Launch of H-Islam In Africa’s Book Review Platform

From our friends at the Islam in Africa Studies Group (IASG):
We are happy to announce the launch of H-IslamInAfrica’s book review platform. Working in conjunction with H-Net Reviews, we aim to build a corpus of reviews of the latest literature, media, and events dealing with themes and questions pertinent to the study of Islam in Africa. All reviews will be posted to the H-Net Commons and the H-Reviews listserv, and are therefore available to a broad readership.
We are in the process of establishing a pool of qualified reviewers with diverse research interests and experience. Reviewers should demonstrate expertise in a relevant area of study, and will preferably hold or be in the final stages of a graduate degree in their field. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer with our network, please send your CV and a brief message outlining your areas of specialization to our Review Editor, Saarah Jappie:
Please note that we are unable to accept unsolicited offers to review any specific books or other media.