Susana Molins Lliteras, Publication of "Iconic Archive: Timbuktu and its manuscripts in public discourse"
Susana Molins Lliteras has recently published a chapter entitled "Iconic Archive: Timbuktu and its manuscripts in public discourse".
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Shamil Jeppie, Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (2020/21)
Prof Shamil Jeppie has received the prestigious Fellowship at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin for 2020-2021. His project for the duration of the Fellowship is called, "Timbuktu as Archive: Writing, Copying, Collecting."
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Launch of H-Islam In Africa’s Book Review Platform
From our friends at the Islam in Africa Studies Group (IASG):
We are happy to announce the launch of H-IslamInAfrica’s book review platform.
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Call for Papers: Muslim Intellectual Writing in Africa
Muslim Intellectual Writing in Africa
The African Studies Association makes a Call for Papers on Muslim intellectual writing in Africa.
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